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        The 1st Series of Battle Beasts contained 28 figures. These initally came out in 1986 and started the Battle Beasts craze. They are individually numbered back, and have various letters on them. Their weapons ranged from silver, to bronze to grey.
        Click below on the pamphlet pictures to view their weapons, names, as well as the Battle Beast Continent! Translations coming soon.

1.) Pirate Lion
2.) Deer Stalker
3.) Ferocius Tiger
4.) Colonel Bird

5.) Killer Carp
6.) Triple Threat Snake
7.) Horny Toad
8.) Sledgehamer Elephant

9.) Rocky Rhino
10.) Romain' Buffalo
11.) Grizzly Bear
12.) Blitzkrieg Bat

13.) Gargantuan Gorilla
14.) Swiny Boar
15.) Grusome Gator
16.) Sly Fox

17.) Hardtop Tortiose
18.) Rubberneck Giraffe
19.) Prickly Porcupine
20.) Sawtooth Shark

21.) Danger Dog
22.) Hare Razing Rabbit
23.) Sir Sire Horse
24.) War Weasel

25.) Bloodthirsty Bison
26.) Bighorn Sheep
27.) Web Slinger Spider
28.) Crusty Crab

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