The Tyco Dino Rider Dinosaurs had such incredible detail, that The Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History in Washington contatced Tyco to produce " Dinosaur and other Prehistoric Reptile Collection ". The toys are licensed by Tyco and are exact copies of the Dino Rider counterparts. The only difference is, that none of the former battery operated Dino Rider toys are battery operated. In other words, the Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Mammoth and T-rex have no mechinisms to walk. The T-Rex's wheels have been taking out and covere over. These Smithsonian toys came out in 1992, two years after final demise of Dino Riders. The small and medium Dinosaurs came in two packs. Ice Age toys were produced as well. They created new box artwork for them and they look amazing! They are also much tougher to find then the regular Dinosaurs by Smithsonian. I'am unsure about the Killer Warthog though.
The sculptors of Tyco should be appraised. Smithsonian even put a huge golden seal Saying "AUTHORIZED REPLICA, Smithsonian Museum"!!!!!
Quetzalcoatlus & Deinonychus
Quetzalcoatlus (Pteradactylus) & Deinonychus
Gorund Sloth & Sabretooth Tiger
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