Species: Spirit
Species: Phantom
Species:: Humanoid
Species: Reptilian / Humanoid
_--()__()--()__()-- Demons! Demons! Demons!
-117: Poltergeist -(50 Points)
Born: ?????????
Size: ?????????
Habitat: ????????
" A noisy, mischevious, destructive, spiteful, and cunning spirit. It infests humans rather than haunting them as ghosts. "
-118: Umi Bozu -(50 Points)
Born: In the waters of Japan
Size: ?????????
Habitat: Off the coast of major ports in Japan.
" Japanese; Giant sea phantom who terrifies seamen, destroys there ships and takes them to a watery grave. "
-119: Wildman of China -(50 Points)
Born:: China
Size:: Big-Footish ;)
Habitat: ????????
" Hairy ape-like creature. Chinese version of Big Foot. Believed to have survived for millions of years. "
-120: Imp -(50 Points)
Born: Volcano's around the world
Size: ?????????
Habitat: Volcano's around the wrold
" Lives in Volcanic caves. Small humanoid creature with batlike wings. Attacks with stinger in its tail. "
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