The Rambo toy line was inevitable, it was a sure as a the sequal to First Blood. Coleco took the job to produce this line, and it was a tough one. In all the movies, Rambo's bad guy's were just general armies. No one really specific. Coleco created new villians, and new heroes and created their own story to go with the toys almost.
The toys for this toy line are consider common by most. Weapons packs are more abundant than anything and the figures can be found almost anywhere, cheap. This is not all true. The first series action figures are common, while the second series are very tough. The toughest is probably Muscle Power Rambo (haven't seen one) and Dr. Hyde. X-Ray is rumored to be from South America, but no one has ever seen one or heard of one.
Whip-Action Warhawk (2nd Series)
Dr. Hyde (2nd Series)
Argentian Rambo w/ Bonus VHS Tape
Argentian Dr. Hyde (2nd Series & Black)
Argentian X-Ray MOSC (2nd Series)
Brazilian Dr. Hyde (2nd Series)
Knock-Off Rambo from Mexico in Bag