I picked up a handful of new books and postacrd book which are aome of the best out there. E-mail me at shadwcat@interaccess.com for any questions or to place a order .

Star Wars: Books

Star Wars: From Concept To Screen To Collectible

131 Pages of well written and beautfiul photography of original concept art, props and many rare and prototype toys. Tells many stories behind the making of the films and how they affected the world. One book that should be in everyone's library. Mint and Unused. Pic. 2$15

Star Wars: Postcard Books

Star Wars: The Toys

30 well constructed postcards of unproduced & produced toys. A small neat book with superb photos with little captions on back. Pic. 2SOLD

Star Wars: Behind The Scenes

30 well constructed postcards of Original concept art and movie props. Concept art is by far the most amazing and some show unproduced scenes. Like ROTJ when Luke and Vader meet the Emperor in a underground cavern with lava. Pic. 2SOLD

    All items that are listed should 99% be in stock! I constantly update this page!
To PLACE A ORDER; E-mail me at shadwcat@interaccess.com with a list of items you wish to purchase. I ship around the world and I accept MO, Paypal, Credit Card.

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