Though most of the time when we think of X-men toys, we think of the wide range of Toyboz figures produced. I'm going to strya from that and offer some odds and ends. Currently I only have Famous Covers for sale. E-mail me at for any questions or to place a order .

X-Men: Toy Biz Basic


Carded and in C-7.5+ or better condition. SOLD


Carded and in C-7.5+ or better condition. SOLD

X-Men: Famous Covers

Storm 2-Pack

Famous Covers 8" Figure 2-Pack. Limited to 15,000. Contains original 8" Comic Book Storm Figure and the new Movie Storm. Posable in almost all joints and spectacular overall. Pic. 2SOLD

Wolverines 2-Pack

Famous Covers 8" Figure 2-Pack. Limited to 15,000. Contains original 8" Comic Book Wolverine Figure and the new Movie Wolverine. Posable in almost all joints and spectacular overall. Pic. 2$20

    All items that are listed should 99% be in stock! I constantly update this page!
To PLACE A ORDER; E-mail me at with a list of items you wish to purchase. I ship around the world and I accept MO, Paypal, Credit Card.

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