This is the Argentinian Lynx-O with Jaga's body made by PlayFul. The head is a modified version of Jaga's, as well. The one I have came MOC, but the bubble had started to come off, so I slid Lynx-O out to take a better look at him.
The figure is very poorly made. He has little bits of untrimmed plastic sticking out all over his body, and a lot of mispainting. The areas of the torso that his legs connect to looks like it was over-trimmed, making them appear to just hang off his groin. Lynx-O's pinkie on his left hand is fused to the next finger, fingernails aren't defined at all on that hand. The wristbands don't have spikes. Instead of the large peg that hold's Jaga's cape on, this Lynx-O has a very small Thundercats symbol.
Lynx-O has a very big, gray battle-matic lever. Whereas the LJN Jaga's arm moves very smoothly, and in a large arc when his lever is pressed, the PlayFul Lynx-O's battle-matic action is very jerky, and arm movement is minimal.
Lynx-O's head is positioned further forward on his neck than Jaga's, it looks really strange. Jaga's ears are still on the side of Lynx-O's head, they just aren't painted. Larger, upright ears were added, a headband put on, and the eyebrows and beard changed slightly. The noses match, and the "wedge" between Jaga's eyebrows was left on the Lynx-O. It seems like a lot of trouble to go to, just to reuse a mold, but it is the same head. The weapon is a little metallic shield, not terrible quality. There is room in the card for the Sword of Omens and Jaga's helmet.
Products from Argentina have ranged in quality. Pieces that are licensed and pieces that are not. One of the lesser quality toy lines to come out of Argentina have been Super Amigo's. Completely licensed, the figures were is such bad shape that some could be found broken still carded. Paint was cheap and sometimes not even there! Weapons as well were just not placed with most of the figures. They also resculpted a Green Latern and made it Riddler, as well as taking a Superman and making a whole new character, El Captain Ray.
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