Cat's Lair

    The Toy: The Thundercats Cat's Lair, every Thundercats fan's desired toy. LJN produced it to the best of their ability and it turned out very well! The playset is packed with a bunch of features and does interact well with the action figures though the set is not to scale.

    The main feature of the toy is the sounds and laser emitting and receiving cat's lair head & mutant vehicle. The head can be moved about from anyone standing behind it as well as fired with a press of the trigger button. The head can interact with the Laser Saber backpacks and the mutant vehicle that came with this set. When a laser is hits the Cat's Lair head, dial below it's head marks the damage and when fully counted the front doors "blow open". The mutant vehicle itself can receive damage and the front portion can explode off.

    The playset also featured a jail, lifting claws to unveil vehicles, moving doors and a trap door. Overall the set is amazing and well made. The toy packs a lot of features for it's size and displays perfectly.

    Variations: No known variations.

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