This is a hardcopy prototype of the Pretender Submarauder. This piece is made of resin and is the first working model of the toy. The shell is solid resin, with the arms and belt placed on it with the help of little pipes placed in the arms and belt. (Pic). The Pretender robot can fully transform.
    There are many differences from this prototype piece and the production version. The first difference is that the Pretender Robot's head has a different "crown" around the face. This head is a first version and was changed quite far in the tooling process. This can be said because the unproduced head sculpt can be seen on the box and instructions of Submarauder. Other differences would be that the top two shoulder screws holders are missing, the arms, chest & legs have a slightly different sculpt. Written in pencil on the bottom of the Pretender Shell is "Sea Decepticon". Transformers prototypes are extremely rare to come by, and hardcopies are the rarest.

    When you look at the Instructions of Submarauder, you can see this prototype was the 1st version to be produced. The person who drew the transformations of Submarauder drew the 1st version of the toy. Some parts like the instruction art were drawn to the likeness of the produced version. You can see though in some panels of the instructions, like the sticker placement, that the drawing represents this prototype. Instructions Pic 1, Instructions Pic 2.

Collection of: Alex Bickmore
Paragraph: Alex Bickmore
Photos: Alex Bickmore

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