These are the only two produced Tron Cycles from the Tomy line. Each Light Cycle came with a rip cord, in which when pulled out of the cycle, would cause the back wheel to spin which would move the cycle acorss the floor. The zip cord has the "Tron" in it and on the other side says "TOMY". It is about 7 inches long and was the same for each cycle. The picture was shortened on the rip cord. Also, the cycles look much better loose when they are not scratched up or dirty.

    Each cycle can open up, and hold one figure. A slight disappointment of this was that the driver sat down in the toy. While in the move the driver would be laying on his stomach, laid out with his head looking through the windows.

Collection of: Mac & Alex Bickmore
Paragraph: Mac Bickmore
Photos: Alex Bickmore

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