The Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark line is probably one of the best toy lines of the 80's. The figures were highly detailed and had card art pictured the characters. This was Kenner picking up from what they learned from Star Wars. There are 9 figures in the both series, 10 if you inlcude the Arabian Horse. The vehicles and playsets consisted of the Convoy Truck, Well of Souls, The Map Room and Streets of Cario.
Another Indiana Jones line was produced by LJN. These figures were based on Indiana and the Temple of Doom. The figures were 6" inches tall. There are three figures in this set; Mola Ram , Giant Thugee and Indy! These figures are well detailed and colorful as all LJN figures are! There is two know varations on the Indy figure. A Old faced version and a Young face version.
Action Figures =======-----------------------Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark (Kenner Series)
Indiana Jones & The Temple Of Doom (LJN Series) (CLOSED)
Prototypes ==========-----------------------