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Zor Prime

Age: Undetermined
Rank: Bioroid Pilot

Zor Prime is a classic example of the unpredictability of the Robotech cloning process. Created by the Robotech Masters from genes of the original Zor, the father of Robotech, Zor Prime is the last hope of the desperate Robotech Hierarchy to regain the secrets of Robotechnology and the production of protoculture which the original Zor took with him "to the grave." The plan backfires as Zor Prime becomes obsessed with destroying the entire Robotech Masters' society.

Prototype Figure
This prototype figure of Zor Prime is holding a lighter colored gun than that which was actually produced, and he has a slightly different paint job.
Matchbox (Japan): This figure has the smallest area of red on the chest. This figure is also made from a different mold than the Chinese Zors.
Matchbox (China): Looks quite a bit like the Japanese version, but there are differences. This figure has a tread pattern on the sides of it's boots. Also, this figure is made of a lower grade plastic.
Harmony Gold (China): The main differences are in the paint job. The gloves cover the entire hands, the belt has quite a few differences, there is no yellow stripe on the collar and the red on the chest extends all the way to the shoulders.



Harmony Gold


Harmony Gold
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